
The Brooklyn Rail: The New Social Environment Lunchtime Conversation #39; Suzanne Bocanegra

Multimedia and performance artist Suzanne Bocanegra joins The Brooklyn Rail for New Social Environment #39, with host and Artseen editor Amanda Gluibizzi. They discuss the theatrics of religion, honor groups (and when theater is honorable), fashion, performing Beckett in quarantine, and much more. In response to the imminent crisis of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Brooklyn Rail shifted our operations online. These New Social Environments provide a place to have vibrant conversations in a time of great physical distancing. Watch the conversation here

Gluibizzi writes in a review of Bocanegra’s recent show at Art Cake that throughout the artists work, “we encounter women trying things on: costumes, other voices, new or different personae. And yet despite, or even through, this garb, we also witness glimpses of what we have to assume or hope to believe is the person within, the compassionate collaborator and mourner, the artist as empath, the woman of faith above all else. The works remind us that these figures are not just performing, but that they and all of us must constantly perform our choices and our convictions. Perhaps, then, the women we watch in Wardrobe Test are not just in character but of character.” Link to interview here

suzanne bocanegra